South Gate – Clinton Lions Club Gifts Melwood’s Horticulture Therapy Program
May 23, 2017
On April 10, the South Gate – Clinton Lions Club presented Melwood’s President & CEO, Cari DeSantis and members of our Horticulture Therapy Team, with a $10,000 check to be used toward our Horticulture Therapy Program.
The South Gate – Clinton Lions Club has supported Melwood and our mission for over 20 years with financial contributions exceeding $100,000.
[Pictured above: Melwood President & CEO, Cari DeSantis; Melwood Chief of Staff/General Counsel, Larysa Kautz; Melwood VP of External Affairs, Cynthia Davis; Melwood Volunteer and Intern Engagement Manager, Marchesa Whittington; Melwood Horticultural Therapy Manager, Suse Greenstone; individuals served at Melwood, Asia Wade, Jazzimine Robinson, and Jeff Gordon; Lions Club District Governor, Steve Borsh; Past Lions District Governor, Kelley Randolph; Lions President, Charlie Spadone; Lions Secretary, Don Pollock; and Lions District Secretary, Mary DeHart.
About Melwood
Melwood is one of the largest employers of people with disabilities in the country, employing more than 1,500 workers – over 750 of whom are people with disabilities. Melwood offers job placement, job training, life skills for independence, and support services to more than 3,000 people each year in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Melwood also has an inclusive summer camp program for children and provides additional youth and community recreational services for individuals with disabilities. For more information, visit
Media Inquiries
Jewelyn Cosgrove
Vice President of Government and Public Relations
O: 240-846-3952
[email protected]