
SMECO 75-Mile Bike Ride

4 individuals posing for picture with dog

SMECO 75-Mile Bike Ride

July 25, 2016

Last month Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO) hosted their annual 75-mile bike ride; a charitable event supporting local non-profits, and community-based organizations. This year, SMECO designated Melwood as the beneficiary of the bike ride!  Participants enjoyed a 29-, 47- or 75-mile ride along Southern Maryland’s scenic Three Notch Trail.

More than 475 cyclists participated in the event; many of whom expressed their sincere support for Operation: Tohidu and its efforts to help Veterans and active duty military begin their journey to recovery and successful reintegration. Melwood’s External Affairs team and Operation: Tohidu Alumni Chris Lopez, Peter Moulton, and Jim Buckingham spent the day educating cyclists about our program and thanking them for their support.

We are also thankful for the support we received from Melwood board chairman, George Watkins, who established the Watkins Challenge with a $1,000 matching gift element for the Ride. Through his efforts and completion of the 29-mile segment of the Ride, we were able to raise an additional $2,500 in gifts and pledges from other board members and senior administration.

By all accounts, the event was a huge success, generating an estimated $20-$25,000 in proceeds for the program.

We are grateful for all of the riders, donors, sponsors, staff, and volunteers who participated in the event and made it such a smashing success.  We also sincerely thank SMECO for their dedication to our program and the Greater Washington DC community.

About Melwood

Melwood is one of the largest employers of people with disabilities in the country, employing more than 1,500 workers – over 750 of whom are people with disabilities. Melwood offers job placement, job training, life skills for independence, and support services to more than 3,000 people each year in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Melwood also has an inclusive summer camp program for children and provides additional youth and community recreational services for individuals with disabilities. For more information, visit

Media Inquiries

Jewelyn Cosgrove
Vice President of Government and Public Relations
O: 240-846-3952
[email protected]


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