The Neurodiverse Employment Summit will cover the opportunities and challenges of recruiting, training, hiring, and retaining neuordiverse talent and injured veterans in the private and public sectors and the AbilityOne Program.
Session topics will include current and proposed disability employment policy in Congress, research into disparities of autism diagnosis, entrepreneurial opportunities for veterans, and accommodations including inclusive-designed workplaces.
Sessions will be held on Thursdays from 1PM to 2PM EST (except for the first and final event).
All sessions are free and will provide CART and ASL accommodations. Sessions are eligible for SHRM credits.
Melwood is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). Each of the events in the Neurodiverse Employment Conference: Breaking Workforce Barriers is valid for 1 PDC. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit
This event is generously sponsored by Truist.